Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Update from 20008 / Metrication shmetrikation!

Update from 20008
Today Tai Shan climbed up a small redbud near the fence by Tian's yard. He got very comfortable in the bare branches and stayed there for hours. In the wild, panda cubs climb trees to stay safe from would-be predators when their mothers are eating bamboo elsewhere. Tai also climbed the big scale today and was weighed at 33 pounds.

33 pounds translates into 15 kilograms, which how much Tai Shan would weigh in China.

According to Wikipedia: "Metrication or metrification is the process of converting from the various other systems of units used throughout the world to the SI metric system.This process began in France in the 1790s and spread over the following two centuries to all but four countries, representing 95% of the world's population."

"Today only the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar have not officially switched to the metric system (although Liberia and Myanmar use it in practice) and the United Kingdom is currently in the process of conversion. Only France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan have seen significant popular opposition to metrication, the main objections being based on tradition, aesthetics, economical impact and distaste for measures viewed as foreign."

Boy, are we stubborn!


At 2:11 PM, DOJ_Man said...

The UK and the US don't like the Metric System becuase it was made by the French.

The question is... Why don't the French like it?



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