Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

there's no room for you in my handbasket

Wednesdays are for slacking: Hell Test
(no pandas were involved or harmed in the playing of this game.)

Scores - no cheating!

0 - 20 A life with the church is too corrupt for you. (Julia ;)
21 - 40 You barely make our scale.
31 - 60 Approaching normal, you aren't much fun on a date.
61 - 100 Normal, you use your right hand like everyone else.
101 - 130 Above average, you've got a few tricks below the belt.
131 - 160 You're enjoying life to the max.
161 - 200 You're a danger to society. Who let you out on a day pass?
200+ You're going straight to hell.

Well, apparently I'm just taking the scenic route.
Pandodssey - 185 points


At 6:22 PM, soon to be DC leetle seesterrrr said...

heyhey, don't be spreading rumors about me...i'm normal... i think...

little sis: 33. (there were the B.C. high school years, you know...)


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