Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

i so-don't-heart-blogger-right-now...

(sorry - the title belongs to 10 minutes ago when GAH! - I lost my entire post due to the vagaries & mysteries that is, was, and still are part of Not that the post was all that AND a bucket o' fried chicken. But it's still frustrating.)


Su Lin turn One!
Native San Diegoean (sp?) A Little Bit of Something Very Cute (translated as 'Su Lin' in her native tongue) turns one year old today! Her pictures are gratuitously splashed all over blogs as far away as the east coast. Who would do such a thing?

A butterstick in the oven?
Lun Lun, a panda at the zoo in Atlanta, might be in a cub-ly way. Or might not. Either way, we'll find out in a month when the cub is (or is NOT) born.

This might be a good opportunity for a pandodyssey (tm) road trip (precursor, Rally '07??). However it is too brutal outside to even think about visiting a city with "hot" already in its nickname!!

(A scene this morning at 3001 Connecticut Ave. Fujifilm habitat.)
Tai Shan: Geez mom, it's really hot out here. What gives?
Mei Xiang: mphhggpppgpphhhh... (stuffing her face with bamboo)

Tai Shan: No really. Why do we have to live in DC? The weather here is nothing like the motherland.
Mei Xiang: (pauses, sticks her head out from the bamboo) What do you know about the motherland?

I got a didjeridoo! (Or "How I Alienated My Neighbors")

cool glowing stick man danced to every song the entire weekend.

(Not panda related so if you're looking for pandas go here now.) After the All Good (or All GREAT!) festival, and the INSANE didjeri-licious musical stylings of one mister Xavier Rudd, I wanted one, BAD! Here it is! Mine is unfortunately not an authentic aboriginal didge, but a plain "modern" didge. Unlike most wind instruments, most people can play a didge on their very first attempt. (Basically get your lips going like you're giving someone a raspberry - then stick the mouthpiece of the didge to your buzzing lips and voila! that's how you play!) Most people can play it, but the difficult part is to keep on playing. Didge artists can play entire songs without stopping. (Wiki claims that there are recordings of 45 minutes up to an hour of didge!)

From the first toot I was in love. Eric also loves to didge. The didge bone must run strong in the willis genes - his mom is the best of us all!

I just made up "didge bone" not to be confused with "didjeribone" which actually does exist (and my apologies to jesse for falsely accusing him of talking dirty!!)


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