Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Monday, August 28, 2006

pan' - da, noun.

A panda walks into a bar, orders and eats a meal, pulls out a six- shooter, fires it into the air, and starts to walk out. The puzzled waiter looks at him and asks, 'Why?' The panda throws a dictionary on the table and says: 'I'm a panda. Look it up.' The waiter finds the definition and reads, 'Panda: Large black and white mammal, indigenous to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.


At 11:48 AM, Hugh Bris said...

That was horrible. I loved it :)

Thanks for giving me a Monday chuckle Mme. Panda.


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