Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

a wee bit shoogly?

This is from an article reviewing Scottish television shows, but I'm not entirely sure. In this excerpt, the author discusses his amusing, personal views regarding the panda, the subject of one recent show airing on BBC.

The Panda: as elusive as Jim McLean
THAT'S it over between me and the giant panda. Turns out that cute's all they've got going for them! OK, we humans have got it in for most of the natural world, but we're bending over backwards to help the black and white cuddlies. But do they deserve it? They won't even help themselves. Fussy buggers'll only eat one type of bamboo, which only grows in one place. Not only that, but bamboo doesn't taste of anything. And there's zilch nourishment in it. So how dumb is that? Those guys are practically begging to go extinct. They end up so weakened with their faddy bamboo diet they have to go and sleep for weeks on end in wee caves while they recover. And half their kids die off in the winter because their mother's milk's based on bamboo and it's got nothing in it either.

And all the time David Attenborough is chatting away in the background, and he's not exactly saying "poor wee panda", but his voice goes a wee bit shoogly every time the panda's up against it in the bamboo department. I say: let the panda die out, who needs them?

The author then continues the article with his review of several BBC shows, none of which are available to me. I didn't understand the title, so I looked up Jim McLean (a well respected Scottish football player/manager) but learned nothing as to his elusiveness. I still don't get it.


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